The Making of a Blog…

So today I read this post ( on how to make money on Pinterest.  I absolutely love Pinterest so you know this caught my eye.  You can make money from Pinterest???  I immediately started a few google searches.  And the things I learned…  Made me seriously think about Blogging, and if it was something that would be a good fit for me. 

Combine that with the fact that I’ve always wanted to write a book titled ‘Silly Girl – the Voice of a Woman’… But have never had enough motivation to actually follow through with writing an entire book.  What better name for my blog?

And then there is my love for all things DIY.  (Who better to build and fix and do to a home than yourself?  It will be done right and you can live with all the little things that way.)  Like the awesome mirror cabinet that I built for all my extra personal items and nail polishes.   And the massive deck at my current home that gets refurbished a little every year (seriously, it is close to 2,000 sf total, if not bigger).  The outdoor kitchen.  And the family room downstairs that gets a new ‘bar type’ piece of built-in furniture every year.  Just to name a few of the projects…

ND Zendo

Makeup.  I mean really.  It always fits me (I never have to suck in any body part to get it on), it never goes out of style and it doesn’t let me down… 🙂  I’m totally, totally obsessed with makeup.  And YouTube makeup guru videos.  Who doesn’t know and love Tati the GlamLifeGuru?  And Taylor Wynn formally known as the Tayla?  And Angela Bright (with her awesome eyeshadow blending skills)?  And so many others… I can binge watch for hours just like it is a Netflix series…  Just give me popcorn and a full battery (or a charger).

And every now and then I cook.  I love having big family dinners for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July… really anytime to get together and have a party.  And living 2-½ hours away from my family I like to motivate them with food, drink and lots of fun to come up and visit me.

Oh, and I love to clean!  My 25-year-old rainbow vacuum has never let me down.  And I love making things sparkle with my steamer.  Still that doesn’t mean my house is spic n span clean…  It is very well lived in.  And I honestly just don’t know where all that dust comes from.  Sneaky dust.  It wasn’t there yesterday.

Saving money… All things with budgets and ways to save money.  I love using Excel sheets to track our progress.  It is immensely satisfying to watch our debts go down each month.

And then there are those age-related things.  You know all those things that I’ve learned in life and how silly some of those things were.   It is amazing how differently you see things after you have gotten through them.  Hence, the Silly Girl – The Voice of a Woman name. 

So, I’m thinking what better way to combine all of that?  I have so many interests that I could fill up pages and pages of content. At this point in my life I have lots of time and I get pretty darn bored…  Between projects anyway.

But how to get started?  With so many varied interests, from makeup to woodworking to budgets to cleaning and cooking, I am a definitely a self-taught DIY’er. 

And what to write about first? 

Well duh.  How about Right Now with the first steps and my initial thought process through it.  Starting with what I want in a blog, how to structure it, who my audience is going to be, and a list of topics to write about.

What I want… content that is easy and fun to read.  Awesome subscribers that are interested in what I write about.   Visually pleasing layout across all platforms.  And I definitely don’t want so many ads that I lose my reader because the page is to slow to load.   A safe place for all.  Hmmm.  That about sums it up.

Structure… more on that later as I read and learn more about blogging.

Audience… My age.  But which age?  My mental or physical age?  That runs from 20’s to 50’s!

List of topics to start with…

  • The Making of a Blog
  • Cleaning
  • Beauty
  • Upholstery
  • Crafts
  • Wood Working
  • Outdoor Builds
  • Maintenance
  • Recipes
  • RV Trips
  • Motorcycle Trips
  • The Yogi Project

It has been a little over a week now since I started this journey.  I have learned so much.  At this point I have about 4 posts completed and 2 posts started.  And a list of 69 topics to write about!  I have a lot of ideas about the structure for my blog.  My phone camera is not the greatest so I may have to borrow or buy a DLSR camera to try. 

I have decided on the following lists of posts to start out with.  I hope you enjoy!  I would really enjoy hearing your thoughts so please leave your comments down below.

  • Misc
    • The Making of a Blog
  • Cleaning
    • Zip it Drain Cleaner
    • Mr. Clean Sponge vs Amazon Knock Off
  • Beauty
    • The Ulta Rewards game
    • Eye Shadow Swatches & Reviews
    • Skin Care & Beauty Tools Reviews
  • Wood Working
    • Mirror Cabinet (link to Anna White’s Blog)
    • Stairwell Mop Boards
  • Recipes
    • Blue Cheese Wine Dip
    • Easy Fudge
  • RV Life
    • Jewelry Board

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